Installing Wallpaper with MuralsWallpaper

When MuralsWallpaper reached out and asked me if I would like to partner up I was PUMPED! When you visit their website, you will see why. There are so many options that would make a beautiful addition to your home. It was really hard for me to choose! I mean… talk about a statement wall!


For my girls’ playroom, I went with the Hobby paper since it was playful yet I felt it could grow with the girls. I LOVE IT!!


Let’s talk about how this works. MuralsWallpaper sells murals that fit your wall dimensions. So all you do is measure your wall, (I went a little larger to be safe), and use those dimensions to order your custom mural. I was nervous to install it by myself so I called my mom in for backup. But, it ended up being so simple that I did it by myself!


The pieces are numbered so it makes it easy to plan your install out. Then, you apply wallpaper glue to the wall and place your paper on the wall. Be sure to use enough glue so it stays put. Use a level on the first piece to make sure the paper is vertically straight. Sometimes the walls are crooked and you don’t want your mural to be crooked. Once you have the first piece glued up, use a wallpaper brush or a microfiber cloth to smooth it out and get rid of any bubbles.


Then cut along the baseboard and ceiling with a razor and a sharp/hard edged trowel. Be sure your razor is sharp or the paper will tear.


Then you are ready to hang your next pieces. Add more glue to the new section of the wall, line up the print, and get your hang on! It was actually really fun.


I love how the paper looks in my playroom. Adding the accent wall of paper took a room that I hated and turned it into a room that makes me smile. I highly recommend MuralsWallpaper for your home! Its beautiful, high quality, and really makes an impact! Go wallpaper a room and be sure to tag me on instagram so I can see!

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